Sorting & Packing
Includes sorting & packing of recently donated items in preparation for distribution
Year-End Inventory
Process includes counting of donated goods still on hand, data entry for trained volunteers, and boxing & bagging as needed
Can & Bottle Drive
Assist with sorting, counting & bagging cans/bottles for redemption
Haiti Barrel Packing
Includes packing relief aid for barrels for Haiti
Community Outreach Volunteer* Can’t join WWLM for the day?
Volunteer in any capacity that is making a difference for someone else. Some great examples include, but are not limited to: visitation to the elderly or shut-in, education support/tutoring programs, local church volunteer activities, local shelter/soup kitchen, yard work/shopping/house cleaning for elderly or disabled, etc.
*Please note, community volunteering is not limited to 11/28 only! You can designate any date/time within that week
Turn your hours into dollars by getting friends & family to sponsor your volunteer time! Registered volunteers will receive an opportunity to create a fundraising page that can be shared via social media and email!
All Funds Raised will go towards our Donation Center Advancements
As we approach 30 years of operation at our current location, it is time for some updates, repairs, and structural changes. These are needed to keep our facility safe and clean, while also supporting the changes we are making to our staff and volunteer spaces.
Advancements could include, but are not limited to:
Conveyor Belt Repair OR Replace
Wall Repairs & Resurfacing
Main Work Floor Resurfacing
Window Replacement
Management & Volunteer Office Restructure
Telephone & Door Buzzer System Upgrades
Updated Building Signage
To Create Your Fundraising Page - Click Here
To Make Edits to Your Fundraising Pages - Click Here
Need Help? Contact wwlm@wwlm.org | 860-645-4141 x159