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January 2023 Newsletter - Christmas On A Mission Celebration!

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Christmas On A Mission

Christmas On A Mission was absolutely wonderful in 2022!! The pictures and videos were too many, so we did our best to capture this holiday in a few short words.

Christmas In CT - Adult & Teen Challenge CT

Adult & Teen Challenge, CT~ From the Christmas shopping to the wrapping of the gifts, to the delivery day - the expressions of joy seen from the men at this recovery home Christmas day opening the gifts, filled OUR hearts with joy! What a blessing it is to give with a heart filled with love!

Christmas On The Fields - Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru ~ Pastor Gustavo's ministry was excited to host a new event in Jicamarca this year called a "Family Festival!" This event enabled the parents to join in the celebrations, which included games and fun, coupled with a beautiful time of learning from God's Word and praying together.

Christmas On The Fields - Lima, Peru

Blessings Lighthouse Open Community School, Lusaka, Zambia ~ The BLOC School was once again excited to have a Christmas party for the students. This time together was filled with good food and SODA! Then, each student received their new uniforms in preparation for the 2023 school year; along with a new backpack!

The school staff also enjoyed a special dinner and fellowship together and shared these words, "We are so grateful for this time where we just come together and fellowship as a team; away from our respective responsibilities as workers, and become more like family members!"

Christmas On The Fields - Zambia Church Branches

Church Branches, Zambia ~ Bishop Nicholas shares, "All the churches were so happy in the presence of God, as they ate and enjoyed God's Word together! This kind of Christmas celebration promotes love and unity among the children of God."

Christmas In CT - Local Manchester Families

Local Families, CT ~ We had a beautiful day for our Christmas distribution for the local families here in CT. Our team was able to bless 39 families (totaling 179 people) providing grocery gift cards and gift cards for purchasing Christmas gifts for each member of their family.

One particularly moving moment was when one mother began to share about a devastating diagnosis she had recently received for one of her children. As she shared, we immediately grabbed her hands and began to pray with her right then and there! The awesome presence of God flooded that room, and His peace wrapped around her!

Christmas In CT - Praying with mother

We finished our prayer, but this beautiful lady laid back in her chair with her hands raised to God and began to call out thanks to God for seeing her and hearing her cry. She proclaimed blessings on our team for being that helping hand in her time of need. What a humbling moment. This is what it is all about - sharing the love of Jesus and causing people to see the hope of Christ!


We hope you enjoy celebrating Christmas

one more time with us through this video!

Thank you for helping us keep Christmas On A Mission!


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